What do chopping up a red guy with a sword, a spirit in a sword, time-travel, floating sky islands, and flying on giant birds have in common? They're all in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. If you think that nothing can beat earlier Zelda games, then you ain't seen nothin' yet!
Skyward Sword is an adventure with puzzles, bosses, a wide variety of enemy types, and even some stealth parts. Here is an interview from mom.
Max:What is your favorite item to attack with?
Mom:Bow and arrows.
Max:What is the hardest dungeon?
Mom:Sky keep. It is where you get the Triforce.
Max:What is your favorite sword upgrade?
Mom:Getting the Master Sword.
Max:What is your least favorite boss?
Max:What is your favorite silent realm reward?
Mom:The Clawshots.
That's all!
Mom is on the final boss. She *just* can't beat it.